The fol?low?ing infor?ma?tion stems from the pub?li?ca?tion: 2012 State of Work?site Well?ness in America.
For more infor?ma?tion regard?ing the sur?vey results, visit
Study design:
The national sur?vey of 406 human resource pro?fes?sion?als was con?ducted June 14-July 13 by the Soci?ety for Human Resource Man?age?ment (SHRM). It was funded by the Depart?ment of Health and Human Ser?vices, through the Min?nesota Depart?ment of Health. Regional polls were con?ducted in Miami-Dade County (Florida), Pima County (Ari?zona), Wood County (Wis?con?sin), St. Louis County (Mis?souri), the State of Min?nesota, and the State of Hawaii.
The poll found that nearly nine out of 10 orga?ni?za?tions (87 per?cent) nation?ally per?ceive the ben?e?fits of work?site well?ness, and 74 per?cent of them said they would look to community-based col?lab?o?ra?tions of busi?ness lead?ers to learn about issues related to work?site well?ness ini?tia?tives and to share infor?ma?tion if these net?works were in?place.
Other find?ings conclude:
Healthy employee behav?ior is on employ?ers??radar.
- Although ?costs? con?tinue to top their con?cerns regard?ing the health of employ?ees (84 per?cent), employ?ers per?ceive other impor?tant val?ues of work?site well?ness: decreased pro?duc?tiv?ity (73 per?cent), absen?teeism (70 per?cent), and reduc?tion of work?ers? com?pen?sa?tion or dis?abil?ity claims (58 percent).
- They ranked obe?sity (52 per?cent), stress/mental health (51 per?cent), and lack of exercise/fitness (51 per?cent) as their top three choices in health chal?lenges fac?ing employees.
- Almost 70 per?cent believe that larger invest?ments in well?ness help curb health?care?costs.
- Employ?ers over?whelm?ingly agree that work?site well?ness ini?tia?tives help work?ers develop health?ier lifestyles (96 per?cent), increase pro?duc?tiv?ity (84 per?cent), lower health?care costs (84 per?cent), and reduce absen?teeism (78 percent).
Many employ?ers are already com?mit?ted to work?place well?ness initiatives.
- Led by gov?ern?ment (83 per?cent) and pub?licly owned for-profit com?pa?nies (75 per?cent), more than half of Amer?i?can employ?ers (55 per?cent) say they have already ini?ti?ated work?site well?ness initiatives.
- Their pri?mary objec?tive is to improve the over?all health of employ?ees (92 per?cent) and reduce employee health?care costs (85 percent).
Employ?ers want to demon?strate a return on their invest?ment in well?ness.
- While 84 per?cent of employ?ers place high value on mea?sur?ing ROI related to well?ness, only 42 per?cent of those with well?ness ini?tia?tives in place actu?ally do?it.
Some employ?ers are wary of work?site well?ness activities.
- Those who have not begun work?site well?ness pro?grams are most wor?ried about cost (65 per?cent), low poten?tial par?tic?i?pa?tion (59 per?cent), and lack of time nec?es?sary to imple?ment a well?ness ini?tia?tive (54 percent).
Employ?ers value gov?ern?ment involve?ment in work?site wellness.
- 85 per?cent said that state and local gov?ern?ment should main?tain (38 per?cent) or increase (47 per?cent) involve?ment in work?site wellness.
- 79 per?cent said that the Fed?eral gov?ern?ment should main?tain (40 per?cent) or increase (39 per?cent) that involvement.
Said Tom Mason, pres?i?dent of the organization:
Employ?ers are real?iz?ing that well?ness ini?tia?tives rep?re?sent a solid busi?ness strat?egy with myr?iad benefits.
So encour?ag?ing!
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NOTE: The con?tent and opin?ions offered in Healthy Work?places blog posts do not nec?es?sar?ily reflect the for?mal stance of Home?wood Human Solu?tions, unless oth?er?wise iden?ti?fied. We bring this infor?ma?tion for?ward in the inter?ests of openly shar?ing val?ued infor?ma?tion in this time of fast-growing online con?ver?sa?tions and knowledge.
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