Sunday, August 14, 2011

City Council Approves Property Tax Increase | Fincance Articles ...

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The biggest questions this week, were of course, tax increases, and service cuts. The council voted to keep the mayor?s proposed property and wheel tax increases in place. but there?s a possibility the property tax might not go up as much as you?d expect.

Click link below to read full and original article

Posted by: Anonymous Location: lincoln on Aug 11, 2011 at 03:28 PM Time to go after the dead-beats that work or go to school in Lincoln that take all the services from Lincoln, but do not pay for the services. you know who you are. Posted by: Nikki Location: Lincoln on Aug 11, 2011 at 08:37 AM this is bull. Time to move out of Lincoln! Posted by: Realistic Location: Lincoln on Aug 11, 2011 at 08:31 AM get real, people! The level of stupidity and narrowmindedness among those who are posting negative comments really surprises me. our mayor is one of the most conscientious, dedicated people in Lincoln and he, along with the city council, have been working tirelessly to give our citizens the best we can afford in our government. If you don?t believe it, just go ask some of your out-of-state friends or relatives about their overall cost of living. Yes, they may have lower property taxes but look at all the factors. There?s a reason Lincoln has been voted in several top 10 categories for living here and raising a family. Take responsibility and realize you don?t get anything for free. Posted by: anonymous on Aug 11, 2011 at 07:44 AM Verison is a corrupt company that rip people off and can look into your phones. Read your texts. not right.They also put false passwords on your phones. I know cause they did it to me. Posted by: Heather on Aug 11, 2011 at 07:39 AM Taxes need to be raised but fairly not to suppress our people some more or more buisness will fail. Posted by: Rich Location: Lincoln on Aug 11, 2011 at 02:34 AM I?m just thinking of all the people i?m going to vote against. first when I look at how many police in such a small area and what they do with their time not related to protecting us, I think they could trim up there. then the roads, we pay the excessive wheel tax yet have some of the most crappy roads i?ve seen in the country. I think they spend alot of money for as little they provide.also as far as business goes the city likes to keep new business out so needing money to attract them is a big crock. Hope the people in lincoln wise up and give you the BOOT mr. mayor Posted by: Anonymous on Aug 10, 2011 at 11:42 PM Gold is now worth more then platinum @ $1800 an ounce. The dollar is gona go bye bye, hello 1930?s, can?t pay property tax with worthless paper, get a gun! Posted by: ha!! on Aug 10, 2011 at 10:42 PM Good thing I live outside of the City! try to get me now city council!

City Council Approves Property Tax Increase


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